A serial entrepreneur who started my first business the moment I left high school - this Manifestor
really didn’t like when people told me what to do haha (who does anyway?)
15 years later - a life filled with trial & error
and lots of stories worth a freaking movie -
wouldn't change a thing!
I am a founder of From Clone To Unicorn Movement™ because I am psyched about weaving Unique Self-Expression and Rare Cosmic & Somatic Magic into your business so you can stop blending in & start standing out in a way ONLY YOU can.

I am trained as a Somatic Parts Work Practitioner (IFS) because I believe that you can have all the information available to you but without the nervous system on board none of this knowledge will have a real impact on the success of your business.
Your girl is blessed (or cursed) with psychic medium abilities (a gift that fascinates & scares me at the same time) but I use it only in a business context,
to support my clients connecting with the Spirit of their Business (not their loved ones - sorry to all the grandparents 😂)
Magic is a part of my life & I want to bridge woo-woo with down-to-earth practical solutions (I must thank my 12 House Sun & Virgo stellium placements, of course).
I deeply care for incredible women to build successful businesses & hire people based on their unique gifts so together we create a real impact on how the future of work & business looks like...
...Goodbye toxic corporate capitalism that sucks your soul like Dementors. ​
I have a "Gifted Child Syndrome" which basically means that as an adult part of me is terrified to put something to the world that is not A+ which is a pattern that I struggle the most in my life. I am recovering Perfectionist - this is the most scary & liberating process I have ever gone through.
When I was young adult, I was an independent contractor at a Marketing & PR Agency while finishing my master's degree in the same field & running my own business.
10 years ago I was writing my master thesis about the future of memes in social media communication so now every time I see DM’s on Instagram (I don’t know about you but 90% of my inbox are memes) - I think to myself “Bitch, you freaking knew it!” 😂
Over 5 years ago I discovered Human Design
& the accuracy of this knowledge blew my mind, changed my life & led me to be a HD Professional.
I completed my trainings at the International Human Design School (the official training organization created by the founder of this system - Ra Uru Hu) & currently I am a consultant in training through BG5 Business Institute which is a business application of Human Design System.

It’s not just another freebie but entry to my world...
It's a place where we are interconnected, exchanging resources, growing proud & tall together to create a world that you can’t wait to wake up for every freaking morning.